It is important to have a personal injury attorney in San Antonio to help you understand how claims adjusters arrive at settlement offers. If you are filing a claim with an insurance company, there are red flags to avoid that may lead the adjuster to deny your claim. Essentially, the claims adjuster questions specific details in a claim. The first issue is whether the policy applies to your case and if so, to what extent. Once this is determined, the adjuster will also question what is most important for reaching a resolution. This is where the adjuster decides the monetary value of your claim. The adjuster wants to determine if facts and circumstances presented conflict with other things. Mostly, this phase of working with a personal injury attorney in San Antonio depends on the experience and training of the claims adjuster. He or she will use judgment for whatever is not easily explained or understood, especially if something appears suspicious. Often, the adjuster does not have “good vibes” about the claimant. This is not something you have done, but it can make things much harder for your attorney to reach an acceptable resolution. Consider these red flags that adjusters are trained to look for when reviewing a personal injury case and file your pain and suffering claim.
Medical Expenses
Presenting a detailed listing of expenses leads the claims adjuster to consider if medical reports substantiate the treatment you received.
Type of Doctor
The type of doctor you see for treatment may also come under scrutiny. If your sole medical care is from a chiropractor for neurological or orthopedic complaints, expect those treatments to be closely examined. While seeing a chiropractor is not particularly wrong or improper, it is the nature of the process for adjusters to examine visits.
Amount of Treatment Received
How often you receive treatments and the intensity of those treatments are also considered. For example, it appears suspect if you receive physiotherapy on a continual basis, yet your health is not improving.
Soft-Tissue Injuries
Soft-tissue injuries, which are usually damages to muscles and tendons, send a huge red flag to a claims adjuster. Add subjective claims of never ending pain and disability, and you may have a difficult time proving your case. These types of injuries usually include treatments not directly related and require additional questioning.
Disproportionate Medical Bills
All medical bills too excessive for the type of injury you have are suspect. These may include exorbitant bills for pre-existing complaints and physical therapy.
Referrals from Attorneys and Doctors
Whenever adjusters begin, certain groups of car accident attorneys and doctors refer clients and patients to each other, they associate this as intentions that are less than honorable. Records and opinions of those doctors become less credible. An independent medical exam is often requested at this point because your association with one of these attorneys is given a closer look. If you were injured or hurt in an accident or suffered a injury, you may be entitled to make a pain and suffering claim.
Contact Car Accident Attorneys San Antonio Residents Trust
Brylak Law is dedicated to client satisfaction and will work to resolve your claim. Call (866) 496-3815 for Car Accident Attorneys San Antonio residents trust. Let the insurance company know you take your rights seriously and hire a personal injury attorney in San Antonio.